Zaikouji (Youchien in Hyuga)

Letter to Domyo Zemmon
On Practicing the Buddha's Teachings
Never doubt in the slightest, but keep your faith and attain enlightenment in this lifetime.
Nobeoka's Great Sunsets
Thank you, So Much!
Zaikouji Youchien January 22, 2009
She Gets Around in Nobeoka
Nobeoka Doubled
Yanagita, Iki in Nobeoka
Typhoon Go Go August 2, 2007 by Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666
Street-Drumming-Nobeoka-2007 by Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666 Study English
On Top of Atago Yama, Nobeoka by Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666
We were made to turn over a new leaf in Nobeoka.
Aron Hits it Big in Nobeoka by Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666
Zaikouji Lined by Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666
She Leads
Happyoukai in Zaikouji by Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666
Fun in Zaikouji by Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666
Howard Ahner 's English School
Study English in Zaikouji, Japan by Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666
Being Useful in Japan by Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666
English Memories by Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Ahner's and Yanagita's
The Kutsunai's
Atago Yama in Nobeoka City, Japan by Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666
How to learn to speak Japanese and English at the same Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666
Letter to Akimoto
Letter to Domyo Zemmon
Letter to Endo Saemon-no-jo
Letter to Gijo-bo
Letter to Horen
Takoyaki Nobeoker
Howard Ahner's Crayon Art
Closed Electronics Store
Troubled Waters
Don't Get Fresh
Weary Eyes
Hikari Kitaura in April
Stock Farming Directions
Kitaura Walker
Marine Diving School in Kawashima, Nobeoka
Nobeoka Goes North For The Winter
Driving Miss Nobeoka
Ryota 2008 Tsurugaoka Class
Sumie Off-Road View, Nobeoka
Driving Miss Miyazaki
Some Nobeoka Tunnels
Whitey Hides in Nobeoka
Study English with Me in Nobeoka!

Letter to Domyo Zemmon

I have received your request for prayers for your father, and I will offer them in the presence of the Buddha. Concerning prayer, there are conspicuous prayer and conspicuous response, conspicuous prayer and inconspicuous response, inconspicuous prayer and inconspicuous response, and inconspicuous prayer and conspicuous response. However, the essential point is that, so long as you carry out faith in this sutra, all your wishes will be fulfilled in both present and future existences. The third volume of the Lotus Sutra states, "Even though the devil and his subjects are there, they will protect the Buddhist Law." And the seventh volume states, "...his illness will vanish immediately, and he will find perpetual youth and eternal life." You must not doubt these golden words. I deeply appreciate Myoichi-ama's visit to this mountain. I have given her a written scroll, which I would like you to read. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.


The tenth day of the eighth month in the second year of Kenji (1276), cyclical sign hinoe-ne.


I chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Ahner Family

Nobeoka Pictures

Zaikouji, Hyuga Youchien

We tend to forget what was previously useful.
We tend to forget what was previously useful.

Nobeoka English Teacher
I am relatively in the groove, I think. But, who wants to be wealthy?

Students Having Fun
Students Having Fun

Zaikouji Happyoukai
Zaikouji Happyoukai

Kanae Leads The Pack
Kanae Leads The Pack

Zaikouji Youchien, Hyuga
All Lined Up



I chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo